Portland Rope Arts Group
PRAG wishes you a Happy New Year! Let’s start it off with a beginners class. These are always fun and informative. Class starts at 8:30pm.
Please join us for some ropey fun at the PRAG Play Party
Other types of play are welcome, but we love to see some rope involved. So come hang out and get your rope on!
The dungeon will be open at 8 pm, and all play is welcome. Hardpoints are available for use and DMs to keep you safe.
Class starts at 8:30pm.
“Rope intro For Total Beginners”
“What is rope bondage and what’s enjoyable about it? This 1-hour lesson explores these questions with hands-on experience in a community environment. We’ll practice a simple platonic rope scene from beginning to end. In the process, we’ll discuss some technical and emotional aspects of rope bondage:
Saying No and negotiating a Yes
Safety and safety gear
Your first knot
Connecting with a partner through rope
The goal is not to explain rope bondage in one hour, but to provide some context for important topics you can dig into on your own later. If you don’t know what you don’t know, then this is meant for you. This intro is also intended to prepare you to attend the following PRAG class on dynamic rope play.“
This class is being presented by bluebicycle and _tesla_
The Portland Rope Arts Group promotes education and the exchange of knowledge about rope bondage. We will be holding this event at Sanctuary in Portland. There, you will find several hard points and plenty of floor space for ropey fun. Please bring barriers to put between you and the floor or furniture.
PRAG, thanks all of you for your support.
Sanctuary is 21+, LGBTQ+, ADA, anti-racism, and celebrates diversity. Enter on Ninth