Portland Rope Arts Group
Please join us for some ropey fun at the PRAG Play Party
Other types of play are welcome, but we love to see some rope involved. So come hang out and get your rope on!
The dungeon will be open at 8 pm, and all play is welcome. Hardpoints are available for use and DMs to keep you safe.
Class starts at 8:30pm.
“Creating Connection and Flow in Rope”
Travel the arc of a rope scene, building connection and flow from negotiation through the scene, and into untying and aftercare. This will be a co-taught class from both topping and bottoming perspectives, and we invite you to share ideas and explore different approaches to get the most out of every tie.
Topics covered will include:
-Negotiation with new and established rope partners
-Tying as socially awkward rope beings
-Building confidence and dealing with frustrations in rope
-Maintaining physical and energetic connections throughout a scene
-Body manipulation and transitions
-Untying and aftercare
$20 cash or $22 card
Dress for comfort, party is clothing optional
Class Considerations and Suggested Supplies:
-+1 hanks of 30 ft rope, ~6mm is my preferred (some practice rope available)
-knowledge of single column tie is useful, but not required
-partnering up for this class is encouraged, though auditing solo or self-tying still awesome.
This class is being presented by @HitchinKitten and @excess_knots
The Portland Rope Arts Group promotes education and the exchange of knowledge about rope bondage. We will be holding this event at Sanctuary in Portland. There, you will find several hard points and plenty of floor space for ropey fun. Please bring barriers to put between you and the floor or furniture.
PRAG, thanks all of you for your support.
Sanctuary is 21+, LGBTQ+, ADA, anti-racism, and celebrates diversity. Enter on Ninth