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Portland Leather Alliance: Black and Blue (Day 1)

December 28 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 1:00 am

The PLA is excited to announce that the Black and Blue party is back! And this year it is a 2-day membership appreciation party!

Come join us to ring in the new year a few days early on Saturday December 28th AND Sunday December 29th. Play, socialize, get a tasting, check out amazing vendors, and enjoy a weekend- long party that is not to be missed!

Many types of dungeon furniture will be available for scenes, as well as hard points for suspension and a designated edge play area. We will have snacks and all guests receive complimentary raffle tickets for our prize drawing with entry. 

Dates: Saturday December 28th and Sunday December 29th, 2024.


1pm to 1am Saturday and Sunday


PLA Members get in for FREE

$15- Non-Members

Location: Sanctuary Club in downtown Portland.

Accessibility: Sanctuary club is on the second floor of the building and is accessed via stairs and elevator. ADA bathroom available.

Interested in Volunteering at the event?

Fill out our volunteer form: https://forms.gle/VtkLcYrafsnnDXo4A

Interested in being a vendor?

Fill out our vendor form: https://forms.gle/zL3bHoA5q3AoJyPK8

Black and Blue Party Rules

  1. You must be 21 or older for entry.

  2. Be patient and courteous with other attendees, volunteers and club staff.  

  3. Respect the privacy of others.

  4. Devices that appear capable of recording images, video or audio must be kept OUT OF SIGHT inside all event areas. This includes: cell phones, cameras, tablets, laptops and smart watches. Any lens must ALWAYS be covered with opaque tape. Exceptions: Cell phones may be used in the entrance lobby, restrooms and other designated “selfie” areas. Vendors may use a cell phone for credit/debit card transactions. Attendees experiencing a disability may request a Reasonable Accommodation (RA). Be prepared to display your RA when asked by event staff.

  5. Consent is the foundation of BDSM activities. You should have informed and continuous consent between all players before engaging in play. Past consent does not indicate future consent. Negotiate in advance of playing and be prepared to not play if you’re not compatible. You are not obligated to participate in any activity and you may leave a space/workshop at any time for any reason.

  6. Do not follow or repeatedly ask someone to play. If someone declines to talk or play, do not engage with that person for the rest of the event. Accept no graciously and without resentment. If you feel unsafe, please speak with a Dungeon Monitor or member of the event staff as soon as possible and we will help you.

  7. You will see a wide variety of bodies, sexualities, and play at Black and Blue. Do not shame others. It’s your responsibility to remove yourself if you don’t enjoy seeing any particular play.

  8. Please be thoughtful when interacting with your fellow attendees and do not make assumptions around gender, roles, power dynamics or relationships. Treat all attendees equally; do not interact with others from an assumed power dynamic position.

  9. Tobacco smoking and vaping is allowed only outside the building at least 20 feet away from building entrances as per Oregon law.

  10. Snacks and water will be provided at the event. Alcohol, mocktails, and additional food will be available for purchase from the venue at the event. Anyone appearing to be overly-intoxicated may be asked not to play or removed from the event without refund. Recreational drugs, including marijuana, are not allowed at Black and Blue. Legal drugs for which you have a prescription are the only drugs allowed at Black and Blue.

  11. Prostitution, solicitation or negotiation for BDSM/kink services for consideration is not allowed.

  12. Dress code is make an effort, no effort no entry( ie. no sweatpants and similar attire). Fetishwear, costumes, and other fancy dress encouraged! If you are new to play parties or don’t have fetishwear, dressing in black or dressy-casual attire works!

  13. Please refrain from wearing perfume, cologne or heavy scents.

  14. Clothing or another barrier (towel, sheet, etc.) must be between your naked body and the floor or chairs.

  15. Attendee wristbands must always be worn and shown to volunteers at checkpoints. If you lose/cut your wristband, a replacement can be issued at the registration tables during open hours.


The Black and Blue party rules are NOT a comprehensive list of all prohibited behavior, but they covers many common issues. For items not covered, defer to the direction of Dungeon Monitors and event staff for guidance.  

For disagreements, decisions by the Event Staff and Dungeon Monitors are final. 

The PLA reserves the right to remove anyone for any reason without warning or refund.


  1. Dungeon Monitors (DMs) will be on duty to enforce the dungeon rules, monitor risk-aware play, answer questions and help facilitate dungeon safety. Be courteous to any DM that may interrupt or stop your play and follow their instructions. A DM can help facilitate scene logistics; when in doubt, ask! All decisions by the Head DM on duty are final. There is no appeal process.

  2. The house safewords are “Red” or “Safeword.” A visual safeword is required for play that impairs speech.

  3. Edge play is only allowed in the designated edge play area. Edge play requires a check in with a DM before your scene begins. Edge play includes but is not limited to hot plate wax play, breathplay, scratch, needle, and blood play, cnc, contained waterboarding, and other forms of edgeplay. Dispose of sharps, and only sharps, in the provided sharps containers. Dispose of other bodily fluid contaminated waste, such as gloves or gauze, in the biohazard trash cans. Do not leave the edge play area while wearing needles, staples, hooks or any other skin-piercing item for any reason, including to use the bathroom.

  4. Players are required to have all items necessary to safely carry out their play/scenes, including aftercare. This includes supplies for wound covering (blood play only allowed in designated edge play area).

  5. Clean all equipment before and after use with disinfectant (provided by the venue). Cleaning supplies are available at stations throughout the dungeon or you may bring your own. Covering equipment with a sheet, or towel is required for play involving bodily fluids. Towels and sheets are available at the venue or you may bring your own.

  6. We strongly recommend, but do not require, bodily fluid barriers and safer sex practices. We provide condoms, dental dams, and gloves at stations throughout the dungeon (latex & some nitrile).

  7. Black and Blue is NOT a latex-free OR nut-free environment.

  8. Play stations are first-come-first-serve and do not have time limits. However, please be courteous and do not let scenes go more than 1 hour if others are waiting to use the scene area. If someone is waiting for the play station, please do not start a new scene (even if one participant is new).

  9. Do not intrude into a play space or scene/play unless specifically invited. Watching scenes from a respectful distance is allowed. Do not attempt to make direct eye-contact, talk to, or ask questions to players until they are leaving the play space or if invited by the players.

  10. Please keep walkways clear.

  11. Black and Blue has a designated “Quieter Room” space in the upstairs area for attendees needing a sensory break. This area may not be used for scenes. This space is behind a sheer curtain and while not soundproof, does provide a sensory break from the party. This room will be marked with signage, but please ask a DM or the event volunteer if you need assistance finding it.

  12. Outside food and beverage is not allowed in the building.

  13. Recording devices or accessories ARE NOT permitted inside the dungeon.  This includes: cell phones, cameras,  tablets, laptops, smart watches or other devices that appear capable of recording images, video or audio.  Equipment may be confiscated or destroyed at our discretion. Attendees experiencing a disability may request a Reasonable Accommodation (RA). Approved written RA request cards will be signed by the Head DM. Be prepared to display your RA card when asked by event staff.


  1. No guns of any kind (real, replica, toy, antique or fantasy/cosplay).

  2. No fire play, fireworks or open flames of any kind.

  3. No scat, vomit, or urine (water sports) play.

  4. No chemical play that could affect other players (mace aerosol spray, etc.).

  5. No glitter,  balloons, or hard to contain messy supplies.

  6. No scenes involving uncontained water.

  7. No devices capable of recording images or video. Exception: Designated event photographer.


  • Racism, sexism, bigotry, and trolling or toxic behavior.

  • Promotion, encouragement or facilitation of discrimination, harassment or violence based on ethnicity, race, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, kinks and sexual expression, age, disability, body size, religion or nationality.

  • Direct or indirect threats of harm (i.e. “I will…” or “I hope you…”), stalking, unwelcome sexual attention, unsolicited sharing of pornographic images, deadnaming or purposeful misgendering.

Questions? Contact info@portlandleather.org


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December 28 2024
1:00 pm - 1:00 am


33 NW 9th Ave
Portland, OR 97209
+ Google Map