Festivus!: Cancelled
Due to icy weather, we are closing for safety. Please have a safe and wonderful holiday.
Sanctuary’s sixth Festivus holiday celebration.
Festivus defined by Seinfeld: A non-denominational holiday party, Festivus represents all those who hate the commercial and religious aspects of Christmas.
Look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX55AzGku5Y
Frank Costanza: “Many Christmases ago, I reached for a doll for my son. Another man grabbed the same doll. As I rained blows upon him, I knew there had to be a better way…”
–An unadorned pole!
–An airing of grievances!!
–A protest!
–White Elephant gift exchange!
There may even be Festivus miracles! Who can explain them?
Cash: $10 before 10, $20 after
CC: $12/$22
An unadorned pole.
The Airing of Grievances: Fill out a post it. Then stick it to the wall. It doesnt mean the grievance is fixed or gone. It just means more people know what makes you mad. These are from last year:
Sanctuary is 21+, LGBTQ+, ADA, anti-racism, and celebrates diversity. Enter on ninth.