Cirque De Sade: Thunderdome
This month our dark circus features the dusty and diabolical world of the Mad Max apocalypse. Featured performances highlight the steam punk and the thunder dome, before it, and beyond…
Step behind the veil into a kink night of the wild, weird and wondrous! We feature themed performances that will have you on the edge of your seat. Our theater style floor plan caters to voyeurs. The side rooms and St Andrews Cross are available for non-edge open play. Libations, mocktails and food are available at the bar. Themed attire is encouraged, not required.
A great way to try something new in a safe environment with experienced Tops.
10-11 @empresselsewise with Rebreather Bag Breath Play
11-12 TBA
“In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice. It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure.” -Marquis de Sade
All edge play is performative. Edge players complete a vetting and approval process and meet with the DM’s at the event during set up. Performers are identified by a colored wrist band. If you would like to apply as a featured scene, please join the CdS group or DM us for details.
Bring your dark play out of the shadows. Abandon your fear of wild abandon. Unleash your extreme edge. Feast on the fringe. Voyeur the veritable quandaries.
Many of your curiosities and questions can be addressed in the group Cirque de Sade PDX. Please pay special attention to the sticky notes and Code of Conduct.
We collaborate with the DMRG to provide DM’s with training and experience in extreme play and CPR/First Aid training, We have basic dungeon clean up, safer sex supplies, a basic first aid kit, unique furniture, hard points. Please bring everything else you need for your physical and emotional safety, your scene, high level hygienic clean up (cavicide, bio-bag, 4ml plastic sheeting, sharps container, pee pads, etc), and thorough aftercare. It is wise to bring your own towels, tarp or drop cloth. Please message @CirquedeSadePdx with any questions.
The venue’s hard limits, available floor space and the law prevent a few things at this event: no race and rape play, guns/gun play, full scale or running takedowns, no scat or vomit play, and no open flames of any size. CNC must not include verbal resistance while play continues.
Due the potentially dangerous aspects of edge play, we want to emphasize the requirement of experience, consent and maturity. This is not an event to “try something new.” Stringer pick up play is not permitted: know your partner, know yourself, know your kink.
When setting up your scene you may be visited by the DM’s and/or hosts to check in about consent, verbal and nonverbal safe-signals and your safety plan. This is not to second guess you or challenge your authority, it is to mitigate risk and establish a safe environment during high risk activities, so your scene can play out uninterrupted. If you have questions, or want clarification about scenes prior to the event, please send a DM to @CirquedeSadePdx
We endorse RACK: Risk Aware Consensual Kink and PRICK: Personal Responsibility in Consensual Kink. The hosts, volunteers and the venue are not responsible for your actions. There is a reason this is the only edge party in town -liability- let’s keep it injury free. You will be required to sign a waiver and your entry fee includes your day-of membership. FYI- the dungeon’s safeword is “SAFEWORD.”
You will SEE AND HEAR intense play in ALL areas of the dungeon. Your decision to enter this event is considered implied consent to the sights and sounds occurring in public scenes. Attend at your own discretion, play at your own risk, and take care of yourself.
“To see others suffer does one good, to make others suffer even more. Without cruelty there is no festival.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
Sanctuary 33 NW 9th Ave PDX
Sanctuary is 21+, LGBTQ+, ADA, anti-racism, and celebrates diversity. Enter on 9th Ave.
a physical ID with a DOB no sooner than 2001 is required to enter
food available, bar is open as well as Italian sodas & mocktails
$25 cash/$27 CC at the door ALL HOURS, advanced tickets not available.
@EmpressElsewise and @RedeemerPDX are delighted to welcome you to the dark side
Please direct all inquiries to @CirquedeSadePdx
This event recurs monthly on the 4th Tuesday