Intro to Impact with Cinder and JosiePosie
November 27 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Whether you don’t own any impact toys, left your toy bag at home, or simply get a random inspiration to start an impact scene in the kitchen, you can have amazing play just using what’s on your person!
In this class, @PDXCinder and @MissJosiePosie will help you prepare to do your first or next impact scene, no toys required! We will cover everything consent and negotiations for an impact scene, how to vet prospective partners, Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK), safe zones for impact, and different ways to use your hands and body to create a full scene!
$20 cash ($22 CC)
This class is appropriate for beginners and players of all levels and will include discussion of possible adaptations for people with disabilities.
Sanctuary is 21+, LGBTQ+, ADA, anti-racism, and celebrates diversity.